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BVDzero Congress 2021

In the British Isles, BIAH have worked with local eradication programmes to put together several BVDzero Congresses. These have brought together the eradication programmes and stakeholders from across the UK and Ireland as well as those further afield, with contributions from practising vets, farmers, laboratories and academics.


BVDzero Congress

Following the success of the BVDzero Congresses in 2017 and 2019, in collaboration with the English and Welsh BVD eradication programmes respectively, BIAH was delighted to introduce the BVDzero Congress on 7th July, 2021. 

In keeping with the current focus on biosecurity, it was a virtual Congress, allowing even more participants to join, and from many more countries where BVD is of focus. 

Across Europe, France has launched an eradication programme, Spain have a regional control programme and Germany has many federal states ‘free’ of BVD, to name a few examples. In Ireland and Scotland, eradication programmes are in the closing stages, Northern Ireland is progressing well with their programme and the voluntary programmes in Wales and England are expected to progress to the compulsory stage. 

The BVDzero Congress 2021 was a one-day Congress, with pre-recorded content available to view in the morning, in advance of live workshops in the afternoon. The live workshops allowed delegates to build on the learnings from the video content, share experiences and provide a forum for all countries to discuss approaches and challenges of BVD eradication.

Pre-recorded presentations followed a timeline of topics relevant to launching a programme through to ending with closure of a programme.

You can view the recordings and the workshop outputs below:

Launching a regional BVD control programme
Prof. Javier Diéguez, University of Santiago de Compostela

The first presentation, from Professor Javier Dieguez, of the University of Santiago de Compostela, looks at Launching a regional BVD control programme, using his experience from the Galician control programme in Spain. It’s interesting to learn how this voluntary programme was initiated, and the challenges faced.

Bringing organisational groups together to form a national campaign
Neil Shand, Chief Executive of the National Beef Association

The next step along the journey is provided by Neil Shand, Chief Executive of the National Beef Association in the UK. A farmer organisation that represents the beef industry on the board of the English national eradication programme. Neil shares his insight as to how the breed societies came together and the progress being made in this voluntary programme.

Getting momentum to progress from a voluntary to a compulsory eradication programme
Dr Neil Paton, Royal Veterinary College, Gwaredu BVD

The goal with many voluntary programmes is to progress to a compulsory programme, and Dr. Neil Paton from the Gwaredu BVD Welsh eradication programme provides guidance on how this may be done, particularly in identifying and engaging with all stakeholder groups.

Making progress with the tail end of a BVD eradication programme
Dr Jenny Purcell, BVD Policy Manager, Scottish Government

Dr Jenny Purcell, the Government lead for the Scottish BVD eradication programme then provides her insight into making progress with the tail end of a BVD eradication programme, including a consideration of the decision to choose a vet-led eradication programme and flexibility of testing.

Winnings hearts and minds for the ending of a BVD eradication programme
Dr Maria Guelbenzu, BVD Programme Manager, AHI

From a slightly different angle, Dr Maria Guelbenzu from Animal Health Ireland, offers Ireland’s experience of winnings hearts and minds for the ending of a BVD eradication programme, including recent changes to comply with the Animal Health Law which was introduced in April this year.  

Considerations for the ending of a BVD eradication programme
Dr. Jöen Gethmann, Friedrich-Loeffler-Insitut

Dr Jorn Gethmann, from the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Germany focuses on the considerations for the ending of a BVD eradication programme, highlighting the various options that were critically analysed towards the end of the German programme, and the resulting direction taken.

Going BVD free and maintaining that status
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schweizer, University of Bern

Lastly, Professor Matthias Schweizer from the University of Bern talks about the Swiss experience of their early eradication programme and how they have achieved their level of BVD freedom and plans for maintaining it.

Take a look at previous congress proceedings / presentations:

BVDzero Congress 2019

BVDzero Congress 2017

  • Further information available from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health UK Ltd, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8YS, UK. Tel: (+44) (0)1344 746960. Email: ©2021 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health UK Ltd. All rights reserved.